April 11, 2024
Hardin Unit 113 Juniors were present at the April Auxiliary General Membership meeting 4/11/2024. Brayden, Abby, Vivian and Lilia were given an opportunity to share how they have earned patches in the Patch Program….from learning the history of the flag, to learning how and when to call 911, how to react to stranger danger, to participating in a Girl Scout camp, playing on a soccer team, volunteering at the Radcliff Veteran’s Center, and reading at least 10 books….and so much more. Each Junior wore his/her red vest with patches displayed. Additionally, Sienna read to us a bio of Red Skelton and how as a child he was taught the meaning of the Pledge of Allegiance. Lilia read “Red Skelton’s Pledge of Allegiance”. We thank our Juniors for their participation and Congratulations to them on earning their patches.
April 13, 2024
Today 4/13/24 Hardin Unit 113 Juniors attended their April meeting. Post 113 Legion Commander Robbie Robinson presented the Juniors each a coin for leading the Pledge at the Vietnam Veterans Appreciation dinner and for their work in decorating the doors to the Main Hall for the dinner. Each Junior received a Poppy Coloring book and we reviewed the story of the Poppy. We’re getting ready for May! We also watched a video on the Heimlich Maneuver, spoke about the risks of choking and what to do if you’re with someone who is choking. We practiced our Heimlich technique on a large “Marshall” pillow from Paw Patrol. We ran out of time before we could all practice our techniques on a doll for a choking infant… so will pick that up next month.